Statement of purpose

Lamberhurst Surgery's Mission Statement

It is the aim of our practice to provide high quality healthcare in a responsive, supportive and courteous manner to all our patients, with a well-trained and motivated primary health care team. We wish to be an approachable and accessible practice making efficient use of all the health care resources available.

Lamberhurst Surgery's Values

Respecting all

  • Showing courtesy
  • Seeking to understand
  • Treating all fairly
  • Value each person as a unique individual
  • Being especially supportive to the vulnerable

Working as a team

  • Relating well within the team
  • Valuing the contribution of each team member
  • Building a mutually supportive environment
  • Co-operating with other teams
  • Encouraging responsible involvement by our patients


  • Speaking and acting truthfully
  • Being accountable for our actions

Learning and improving

  • Adapting to change
  • Building on achievements
  • Developing our services

Registered activities

Archvale Clinical Services Ltd provides services that come under specific regulated activities of the Health and Social Care Act 2008. These services include:

  1. Treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
  2. Surgical procedures
  3. Diagnostic and screening procedures
  4. Maternity and midwifery services
  5. Family planning services

Services we provide

Archvale Clinical Services Ltd provides NHS General Medical Services in an NHS GP practice under a GMS contract. We will provide services to the whole population.

Aims and objectives

Archvale’s mission is to ensure all patients have access to comprehensive, coordinated and continuous care within a sustainable primary care system. Archvale will offer high quality, safe, responsive, effective and well-led services. We aim to:

  1. To provide the best possible quality service for our patients within a confidential and safe environment through effective collaboration and teamwork.
  2. To show our patients courtesy and respect at all times irrespective of ethnic origin, religious belief, personal attributes or the nature of the health problem.
  3. To involve our patients in decisions regarding their treatment.
  4. To promote good health and wellbeing to our patients through education and information.
  5. To ensure that all members of the team have the right skills and training to carry out their duties competently, and they have opportunities to discuss and learn from problems or issues that arise at any time.
  6. To ensure that we are compliant with relevant legislation and policy relevant to maintaining trust and confidentiality, as well as to ensure we practice high quality care.
  7. People who use our service will be supported and cared for by appropriately qualified and competent staff, we will provide continuous professional development and on-going supervision and appraisals to demonstrate staff competency.
  8. The people who use our service will be listened to through our quality assurance systems and user friendly complaints procedure.
  9. Using data intelligently to improve services and patient outcomes.
  10. Using technology to improve health and wellbeing across the life course
  11. Optimise communication between different components of the care journey and patients
  12. Increase pro-active and preventative care across the lifecourse.


Services are provided from the following location: Lamberhurst Surgery, The Down, Lamberhurst, Kent, TN3 8EX